JSC "ALES": we remember, we are proud!

Honoring veterans at home is a good tradition of JSC "Almaty Electric Stations". On the eve of the 71st anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the management and youth organization of JSC "AlES" congratulated veterans of the Great Patriotic War at home - they are Viktor Pavlovich Gulyaev, Vasily Matveyevich Zaets, Mikhail Nikolaevich Kurganov, Egor Fedorovich Tolstykh.

"Each family of our country has its own heroes, which we remember and honor," said Chairman of the Board Nurlan Mukhamed-Rakhimov. - Despite the fact that 71 years have passed since that joyous day, the Victory Day does not move away from us, on the contrary - life again and again confirms the greatness of the heroic deed of the victorious people. Victory Day was, is and will be a symbol of the steadfastness of our people, which gives strength and teaches us courage and patriotism, warns against cruelty and intolerance. We consider it necessary to personally congratulate the veterans - those people, those heroes who gave us the country, gave us life. Today we visited those who are with us now to express our gratitude for the victory. "

War veterans shared their memories of who had met the war, and how they learned that the Victory Day had come. According to them, a universal sense of joy and happiness overwhelmed everyone when they announced the end of the war. Veterans were deeply touched by attention from the management of JSC "AlES", thanked for the visit.




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