Waste management system: the seventh and eighth stages of the waste technological cycle

In the previous issue of the heading " Man. Society. Nature" we continued our acquaintance with the waste management system, as the main principle of the environmental legislation of the Republic. In this issue, we will get acquainted with the seventh and eighth stages of the waste technological cycle.

Storage and transportation of waste. (Stage 7) - Storage should be carried out in established (authorized) places where waste is collected in special containers. Waste transportation should be carried out in a specially equipped transport that excludes the possibility of losses along the route and environmental pollution, as well as providing convenience during transshipment.

Waste storage (Stage 8) is the storage of waste in specially designated places for subsequent disposal, processing and (or) disposal.

Industrial waste of the 1st hazard class is stored in sealed containers (steel barrels, containers). As it is filled, the container with waste is closed with a steel lid, if necessary, it is brewed with electric gas welding and labeling of packages with hazardous waste with indication of hazardous properties is provided.

Production waste of hazard class 2 is stored, according to the aggregate state, in plastic bags, bags, barrels and other types of containers that prevent the spread of harmful substances (ingredients).

Industrial waste of the 3rd hazard class is stored in a container that provides localized storage, allowing to perform loading and unloading and transport operations and to exclude the spread of harmful substances.

Industrial waste of hazard class 4 is stored openly on an industrial site in the form of a cone-shaped pile, from where they are loaded into vehicles by a forklift and delivered to the place of disposal or burial. It is allowed to combine production waste of class 4 with consumption waste in the places of burial of the latter or to use it as an insulating material or planning works on the territory.

Waste in liquid and gaseous state is stored in sealed containers and removed from the territory of the enterprise during the day or their neutralization is carried out at the production facility. Solid waste, including bulk waste, is stored in containers, plastic, paper bags or bags, and is removed as they accumulate.

The site for temporary storage of waste is located on the territory of the enterprise from the downwind side. The site is covered with a solid and impervious to toxic waste (substances) material, boned, with a drain device and a slope towards the treatment facilities. The direction of surface runoff from the sites to the general storm drain is not allowed. For surface runoff from the site, special treatment facilities are provided that ensure the capture of toxic substances, cleaning and their neutralization. The site provides for the protection of waste from the effects of precipitation and wind.

Stationary or mobile loading and unloading mechanisms are provided in places of storage of industrial waste. The conditions for the accumulation and storage of waste at the sites of production facilities are determined by the draft waste disposal standards. The permissible amount of waste on the territory of an industrial site is determined by the enterprise based on the classification of waste by the level of toxicity. Control over the state of the environment at waste landfills is carried out by the production laboratory of the production facility or with the involvement of an accredited laboratory.