I love you, life… I walk away from work tired. I love you, life, and I want you to become better! With such a motto Rosa Turarovna Zhamansarina, head of the accounting department of the CHP-1 named after B.Orazbayev goes on in her life

I am originally from the Aktobe region. Mom worked as the head of the central warehouse. Every evening Mom brought a bunch of documents, journals and worked in the evenings. I really liked how parents easily manage accounts. One day I asked my dad to teach me how to count with the help of an account. I learned addition and subtraction right away, and multiplication and division were difficult.


In the seventh grade, my mother gave me two journal, one was filled, and the second was empty and asked: "Rewrite the leftovers from the last report into an empty journal." I rewrote, counted on the accounts and deducted the total amount. I was very happy when I saw the familiar figures in the report for last month. That's how my acquaintance with accounting began. In the ninth grade, helping my mother, I independently made reports on almost all warehouses, laying out receipts and expenses. By the end of school, the question of choosing a profession for me was resolved. I want to become an accountant.


At the end of the West Kazakhstan Agricultureal Institute, we were not given a diploma in our hands. It was necessary to work for three years according to the allocation. In the direction of February 22, 1984, I received the position of deputy chief accountant at the Tolybai state farm. The responsibility is great, combining theory with practice for three months, I spent all evenings and weekends at work, studying each section. Three months later, I was tested by the chief accountant and only then he allowed me to enter transactions in the general ledger, it was very interesting.

Three years later, in March 1987, she quit and moved to Taldy-Kurgan. I immediately got a job as an accountant of the material department in Taldy–Kurgan enterprise of electric networks. In August, she was already a deputy chief accountant. While working in this position, she often came to EPPE "Almatyenergo" with reports. My efforts, knowledge of the contents of the reports, answers to the questions posed, were appreciated by E.I. Sosnitskaya, the Deputy chief accountant of EPPE "Almatyenergo". When I got married and moved to Almaty, Ekaterina Ivanovna offered me a job at CHP-1. That's how I've been working at my favorite station for 33 years since December 15, 1988.

I have only three entries in my work book, including Alma-Ata CHP-1. The choice turned out to be, one might say, conscious. In December 1988, I was accepted as an accountant at CHP-1, and in November 1989, Tatiana Alekseevna Rodicheva offered me the position of deputy chief accountant, despite the fact that I was on maternity leave at that time. Now, as time has passed, I understand that my recognition as a specialist, my place in life, was determined in November 1989.

At the beginning of my working career, due to my youth and the presence of ambitions, I did not think that I would stay here until retirement. But, fortunately for me, it turned out to be what it is.

CHP-1 is a second home for me as for other employees. This is, first of all, a close-knit team, people who respect each other, with a sense of responsibility and mutual understanding, where you can solve any issues: both industrial and everyday. At the head of this team is a well-respected, competent, knowledgeable and a leader who loves his work – Managing Director Syrgabaev Isakhan Aktanovich.

I would like to mention with great gratitude Ekaterina Ivanovna Sostsitskaya, Tatiana Alekseevna Rodicheva, Antonina Petrovna Luzan. They are my first mentors in the energy company, thanks to them I easily mastered all the nuances of our profession.

Having come to work today, I am primarily interested in the health and mood of employees, including the accounting department, who are directly subordinate to me. Then I determine the priorities of the current working day, provide the management with the necessary accounting information. I organize the work on setting up and maintaining accounting records of the enterprise.

Most of all in my profession, I like the end result, this is when, at the close of the reporting period, debit turnover and credit turnover give a balance.

The most interesting thing for me was the introduction in 2012 in AIS "1C: Enterprise 8. Production enterprise management for Kazakhstan" and in 2013 the introduction of the subsystem "Procurement Management" and "Inventory Management".

I have never had the desire to radically change my life. My life suited me the way it is with all the joys and tribulations. In the interim, which has stability, respect, understanding and recognition. I have never stopped improving my qualifications. Constantly studied all changes in standards and legislation.

The best, most valuable advice was given to me once by my mother. My parents came to visit us in Almaty and when they left at the airport, my mother read me the poems of M. Makatayev:

          Life will drop you as it raises,
          Life will make you cry, while makes you laugh.
          When the skirt is full of tears
          Life comforts yourself.
          Don't lose your hope, neither go down,
          As the life will blossom.
          And even don't get scared
          Life does like you stand against.

Colleagues speak of Rosa Turarovna as a neat, responsible employee who will always find a creative approach to solving any problems. She is meticulous in her work and sociable. Her values in life are kindness, decency, justice, a sense of duty, and fidelity to her chosen profession.